– this is profitable monitoringreliable currency exchange services/purchase of cryptocurrencies/withdrawal of fiat/delivery of cash.
Do you want to learn how to exchange p2p money safely without verification/KYC AML ?!
Here, each user finds a personal financial adviser.
We found answers to your questions: how to transfer money to Dubai UAE to buy real estate/ where to pay for purchases with Bitcoin BTC / Ethereum ETH/ Ton COin/ USDT Tether / USD coin (USDC)/how to create a cryptocurrency wallet (account).
When it was decided to buy cash Dollars USD / Euro EURO / Yuan / Dirhams/ Rubles / we offer to find out the exchange rate and price :
Price list for buying Fiat currency
Bitcoin BTC / USD 💵 In Dubai
Transfer Bitcoin via Western Union WU USD
Using this method, we offer to legally cash out the cryptocurrency. Just select the exchange rate and go to the exchanger. There you can create an order to receive dollars for Bitcoin. Write in the application the city and country of issue of cash (fiat). After transferring Bitcoin, you or your partner in the desired location will be able to pick up the currency at the Western Union point using the code.
Recommendations :
- this method of withdrawing BTC in 2023 works in most countries of the world, except for Russia ;
- Do not make 1 transfer for more than $ 10,000. It is better to create several orders for 10K USD or so ;
- When you need to get a large amount of money it is better to create several requests for yourself and your partners. This way you can avoid attention from local tax authorities.
DAI / USD 💵 In Dubai
Transfer Yuan to a bank card 💳
ALIPAY (Translate to Alipay)
Exchange Bitcoin for 💶 EUROS IN ALICANTE (SPAIN)
Bitcoin BTC/PLN Zloty
Monero XMR Exchange
Monero for dollars Payeer USD
Solana/Dollars USD
Dollars in Sochi 💵 for Bitcoin
Cash delivery by courier
USDT/✔Sberbank (bank card)
USDT/🏧RUBLES (to the card)
Bitcoin / Fiat Dollars 💵 At Moscow Time
📢 Exchange Bitcoin to Sberbank
DAI / USD 💵 In Moscow, Moscow time
DAI/ Sochi Dollars 💵
DAI (DAI) / Rubles on the map 💳 Visa Master WORLD
Pros and cons: comparison with Bestchangea list of only anonymous currency exchange services is shown : no verification | no registration | no AML/KYCreal reviews and comments about exchangersadded euro cash purchase services in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Kievincluded are services for buying cash dollars in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, and Samaraa small number of exchangers (we add)no app (in progress)no bot in Telegram (under development)a small number of currencies (we will add)Want to exchange Bitcoins (Bitcoin BTC)/Tether USDT TRC20/USDC usdcoin in a reliable exchange service ? Here you can find out cost cryptocurrencies only in anonymous exchangers (without AML checks) and get CASH in rubles/ dollars/ AED/ euros/ yuan.
Need the best withdrawal rates for TON Coin | Monero XMR / Payeer | Perfect Money ? We have added TOP sales registers..
The aggregator works as an alternative (mirror) Bestchange (Bestchenge).
Data update time: 20 seconds ;
Prices are shown as is, with no additional fees.
The list of courses includes prices for the withdrawal of cryptocurrencies in cash rubles / dollars / euros / hryvnia / tenge.
Many exchanges offer cash delivery services to major Russian cities (Moscow Moscow Time / St. Petersburg / Kaliningrad / Kazan / Sochi / Grozny / Yekaterinburg / Cheboksary).
You can also get fiat in Kiev / Dnipro / Lviv / Vinnytsia.
Some exchanges deliver money by courier to the Dubai / Alicante/ Barcelona airport / Madrid / Frankfurt / Helsinki / Riga / Vilnius / Warsaw / Tivat / Budva / Astana /
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Currency/Cryptocurrency Exchange bulletin board!
How do I add my own course and exchange p2p money ?
1. Fill in the cells : 1 unit (issuing currency, for example, Bitcoin or USDT) = Value (for which you can exchange, for example, rubles, dollars, euros, yuan).
2. It is important to specify direct communication methods, the minimum amount, and the reserve amount for receiving money.
3. Please note that offers older than 24 hours will be deleted automatically.
4. If the offer is current, you need to re-create the ad for sale / purchase.
!Publications are pre-moderated for fraud and trust abuse risks.Search tags :
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Ad Exchange Thread USDT Tether TRC20 >> Other currency.
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Hello everyone I suggest that we exchange data on exchange rates Bitcoin : Bitcoin BTC > RUB/USD/EURO/AED/CNY/THB
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